
TLDR; For those who don't have time to read all the documentation & just need a quick summary of what this project is working towards.


We are working on an open-source and decentralized educational project sofar called— S.A.G.E. It stands for System of Autonomous Global Education & many levels of inputs are acceptable. However, the core values effectively written into the source code are unalterable.

We do not believe in the suppression of ideas and talents. With the help of educational technology and D.I.T.'s(Digital Interactive Textbooks), fluid exchange of verifiable & trustworthy information can take place.

This system aims to prevent bias interpretations, censoring and other arrogant or otherwise ignorant practices in our society. There is no amount of money, status or privilege that would change our values and morals backing this project.

"Knowledge is the Revolution."

System of Global Education

Distributing Information

A S.A.G.E. is merely an autonomous conveyor of information, as well as processes with built-in functions that automate the execution of educational-based smart contracts.

Similar to a D.A.O. (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) with the difference being the S.A.G.E. is partially a D.A.C (Decentralized Autonomous Community) or a D.A.S. (Decentralized Autonomous Society) with no shareholders without community members or no shareholders at all and a large portion of the exchange of value taking place between independent but connected individuals.

Fair Value Transactions

A rice for rice or apples for apple style of exchange is fair. Where no one party is better off than any other party without a sacrifice equally to the whole. Leading to an economic and psychological incentive to keep the machine running and functioning as intended, so that no-one suffers, because if one suffers we all suffer.

By owning credentials, you have more skills or 'verified knowledge'. Any payments must be locked in escrow before a credential is received. By providing valid submissions or 'proofs of knowledge,' an individual can work their way to earning a credential, and escrowed funds are released to teachers after the credentials have been issued to the students.

The structure of payment is up for negotiation between students, teachers and institutions. Giving equal opportunity and the chance for knowledge to be provided and received by anyone.

Democracy & Competitive Evaluations

The community establishes trustworthiness, and the intrinsic value of an individual's contributions becomes susceptible to the entire network of contributors. Instead of the inherent value given to status, power and privilege— which is surrounded by an unlimited amount of money or influence and is corruptible. By having a system of voters as contributors, a healthy competition between peers can take place without provoking cheating and unfairness. Since skills & payments are obtained & distributed via the settlement of smart contracts designed by verified mentors/institutions(which are community-based and driven) the incentive to cheat or manipulate the system becomes exponentially harder to exploit or maintain supremacy over as an increasing amount of submissions and money is required.

Educational Smart Contracts

Definition; Smart contracts— A computer protocol designed to digitally expedite, establish, or reinforce the negotiation or execution of a contract. Smart contracts allow the fulfillment of trustworthy transactions without the need for relying upon a third party. These transactions are trackable & immutable.

Smart contracts enforce a valid & efficient transfer of established value between parties, without manipulation. Each transaction carries specific details and these details are stored on a blockchain or distributed ledger, permanently a smart contract is uncensorable and concrete. By establishing smart contracts with educational parameters, a clear and concise curriculum, course, task or objective can be laid out for any individual to fulfil.

Under the right conditions, a teacher can find more incentives to offer learners fostering growth and achievement, thereby reducing the burden on students to learn and increasing motivation to learn a variety of topics from several professionals— or a professional of their choice.

Educational smart contracts avoid misinterpretations or miscommunication resulting in wasted effort, de-learning or negative consequences such as;

  • Loss of motivation

  • Forgetfulness

  • Regression of ideas

  • Lack of understanding

  • Confusion

Educational smart contracts allow learners to take control. Allowing a proper agreement to take place around what they want to learn, provides choices that would otherwise be impulsive or ignorant, as well as providing a basis to narrow down issues that may occur during the process of learning a new subject or topic. Instead of overlooking fundamental indicators of a student's educational health such as; low grades, minimal attendance/lack of attention, lack of contributions & general questions. These smart contracts can be used to highlight any discrepancies in the learning process. With SAGE, an individual's submissions receive recognition for their efforts & conclusions. ‌Bias tendencies, perceptual differences, centralized ideas (groupthink), closed-source points of view and established narratives all face reduction by creating a competitive environment that fosters the sharing of knowledge. The teaching of each other for the betterment of one another.

Non-Fungible Educational Tokens

Educational N.F.T.'s or V.C.'s (Verified Credentials) are academically based tokens representing distinct proofs of knowledge and verified distributed information across the S.A.G.E.

These tokens are not distributable and reflect a unique academic submission. Meaning that only one person can lay claim to an educational N.F.T. minted in their name. Proving a person has learned a topic, course or other criteria laid out in an educational based smart contract.

A non-fungible academic token ensures truthful scholastic representation and a sturdy way of verifying pre-requisites in a given field of work. Educational N.F.T.'s allow for more fluid use of educational merits and achievements, providing ground for fair recognition for scholarly efforts.

Digital Interactive Textbooks & Learning Engines

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